Holy Silence

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Steven Pressman | US, 2020 | English | Documentary | 71m | IMDB | Distributor/Sales: Seventh Art Releasing | Festival marketing sample: MJFF 2020 | Trailer

Description: Historians and a Catholic Church apologist relate the history of the Vatican’s response to the holocaust. The robust initiatives by Pope Pius XI against the Nazi persecution of Jews were frustrated by some of his conservative underlings such as Eugenio Pacelli who succeeded him as Pius XII after his death in 1939. Interviews are supported by stills and archival footage.

Merits: This fascinating, though cinematically conventional documentary provides what appears to be a historically balanced and nuanced treatment of this subject.

Rating: Suitable for all audiences.

Programming considerations: Consider an interfaith panel discussion as a follow-up.


Alone Together


Shalom Allah