Refugee Lullaby
Courtesy of production.
הרועה | Ronit Kertsner | Austria/Israel, 2019 | English/German/Yiddish (English subtitles) | Documentary | 72m | IMDB | Distributor/Sales: Go2Films | Trailer
Description: Hans’s Jewish father had became a refugee when Austria was invaded by the Nazis and had to flee across the border into Fascist Italy. His mum remained in Austria and was active in the anti-Nazi resistance until her arrest by the Gestapo. Hans was brought up by Communist journalist parents who preferred to associate with foreigners rather than their compatriots. There was the occasional bullying in school for being Jewish. He became disgusted by the impunity afforded to ex-Nazis in the country. All this contributed to his decision to go off-grid. He lives with his partner Mingo and their two young children in a small mountain cabin with no running water while tending to sheep and composing and singing Yiddish lullabies.
Alarmed by reports on the conditions faced by the refugees traversing Austria during the current crisis, Hans and Mingo decide to volunteer. Hans uses his van to transport the infirm or families with young children who would otherwise have to walk, Together with other Train of Hope volunteers, he caters hot food and drink in the encampments along their route. After the borders of European Union close to new immigrants, Hans and his friends continue to support the asylum seekers now living in Austria. He travels to Serbia’s border with Hungary to bring supplies to these stranded there.
Hans’s fascination with Yiddish music is a hobby he acquired after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when he heard someone play it. He is briefly seen practicing with his band.
Merits: Hans’ lullabies are sweet as is the Klezmer music used as the film’s soundtrack. This portrayal of a generous, kind, though somewhat eccentric character could benefit from tighter editing. Apparently a shorter version exists than the one seen by this reviewer.
Rating: Suitable for all audiences. (Two instances of very mild profanity.)
Programming consideration: Consider an event with immigrant rights activists.